Sunday, May 9, 2010

Her Hands

(my mother, my sister, and me back in the day)

I remember waking up on lazy sunny mornings and hopping in the cozy bed with her. I would slip under her arm and sit there, holding her hands. The most beautiful hands. I would trace my fingers up and down, memorizing every feature- her wedding rings (I considered them rare jewels), her reddish-pink polish, the freckles sprinkled everywhere, the feel of her slick nails freshly manicured...

I still look at those hands, and they still are the most beautiful hands in the world. And sometimes, I even hop in her cozy bed on a lazy morning, just for old time's sake.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama. I love you.


  1. you are so beautiful ..your words touched me

  2. Beautiful picture, very beautiful memory.

  3. Holy crap...your words went straight to my heart sweet SuzyQ. You are one heck of a daugther to your mom sweetie.

    Great wonderful post. And that PICTURE....great.sigh.
    Hugs Dagmar

  4. oh, this is a lovely post. your words warm me.
    i hope your mama, gets to read this.
    to you!

  5. So much love in your mother's hands ... very touching tribute.

  6. Beautiful words and what a great photo!

  7. beautiful shot. even more beautiful words.

  8. That is a beautiful tribute to your mum. I hope you made her mothers day a wonderful one.

  9. This is the loveliest tribute and a gorgeous photograph. You must treasure it. I have a friend with hands just like my mother's. Sometimes I hold her hand just because I miss my momma.


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