Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lightning bug love

Catching lightning bugs with my sweet cousins just before dark... that's what I am loving about my summer.

What are you loving about yours?


  1. I'm loving that my daughter gets out of school tomorrow and she's going to have a party in our backyard with all her friends. They're going to eat pizza and do a bunch of stupid teenage stuff. I can't wait for it. :)

  2. The hand on the jar lid is just the best ... and so is your new banner.

  3. I am loving the weird rainy weather. The sky is incredible.

  4. Winter has set in here so I'll just enjoy your summer.

  5. Showers of rain; so fresh!
    Has your cousin seen these photos here? Does he still think they're not art?

  6. I am so sorry Liss! Of course you can enjoy mine.

  7. I am so looking forward to catching some this summer. What better childhood memories?

    hope you are having a great weekend.

  8. Oh sweetie I so love to be in your space. Your new header is beautiful again. And lightningbugsssss we don't have them around here. I'll be around next year to catch them when we're in the states.
    Have fun.

  9. Dagmar, you always leave such sweet comments! (the last post especially!) Catching lightning bugs is definitely an American special, so I am so glad you will be able to have the experience yourself.


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