Monday, July 5, 2010

The latest

Lately, I kinda have been substituting my big 'ole Canon for my little bitty camera phone. It is so easy to grab and instantly snap the moment before me... and since the quality of picture is much less, it forces me to really capture the essence of the life surrounding me. Sure, my cellphone pictures aren't the prettiest pictures in the world, but they are close to my heart. They really illustrate what is going on around me- the real stuff, no fancy equipment to beautify it.

No, I am definitely not putting up my SLR for good... it is just fun to play around with something new. I actually am shooting every day now- I was always "too busy" to do so before.

Go here here and here for more cellphone picture love. (you can also go to my link in the left panel)

These are my favorites so far:


  1. those seem like excellent quality for a cell phone camera!
    I like the last one a lot : )

  2. I really, really, really want a pair of pink fuzzy shoes for myself. :)

  3. Enjoy Savannah! It makes me so happy to know you're using the travel guide. :)

  4. I adore these spontaneous camera phone pics!

  5. Soho: I love seeing your view of the city! It is definitely one of my favorite places to visit.

  6. these pictures are precious! some of my best ones have come from my phone as well.. so impromptu!

  7. such great views of life unposed ...

  8. LOVE these...i think your twit pics are cool too!!

  9. The shoes! Oh, the fuzzy pink shoes really make me grin.

  10. here from shutter sisters on a can't-sleep-it's-way-too-early thursday morning. i so get the cellphone camera thing - my version of polaroids and a whole lot cheaper. i've been using mine for in the moment stuff, but also for a series of slow moment shots, more artsy. love both applications. and your blog. :)


Hey guys. Please leave a comment- I want to learn more about the interesting and wonderful people who happen to stop by and see my work. I would love to hear from you!
