Thursday, December 30, 2010

Family Table

Remember my Family Table posts? Well here is one dedicated to my sweet grandmother.


she's the bedtime enforcer. the piano teacher. the Bible verse reciter. the storyteller to multiple grandchildren snuggled in her bed. the nap lover. on any given winter night, you can find her snoozing in her fireside rocking chair next to my grandfather who will most likely be watching the news or a basketball game. the best pimento cheese maker. the spoiler of my grandfather. she's a self proclaimed cheerleader for all of her grandchildren and children, but most of all, her husband. the compulsive picker-upper of all things out of order. the die-hard recycler and re user. the woman who can still be freezing cold sitting next to a furnace. the nightly Mentholatum applier under her nose and on her lips. the hater of dry skin, especially when it comes to her piano playing hands. Sara Lee Coffee Cake's most loyal customer. the fashionista. the hummer of old southern hymns. the owner of a bedroom slipper filled closet... many worn by her granddaughters when she "can't stand to look at those bare, cold feet anymore." the caller of "lamb chop" to all those she loves. the leaver of red lipstick stains on her cocktail glasses full of grapefruit juice. the baby lover. she's the harmonizer of every song ever sung... even "Happy Birthday." the preparer of her world famous breakfast casserole, always present on Christmas morning. the adorer of smocked dresses and big bows for all her youngest granddaughters. the biggest reason Christmas is always so special in our family. the cancer survivor, carrying on each day with inspiring strength.

my grandmother is... my hero.

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  1. What a wonderful tribute to a great lady. Love both of those shots! The "lamb chop" caller reminded me how my mother called everyone "dearie."

    Sweet memories.

  2. you are such a sweet person ..the tribute is wonderful and oh that shot of her hands..stunning

  3. OH, I know she loved this post. What a wonderful family you've been blessed with. How fantastic that you already know it. I was stopping by because I wanted to wish you a happy new year and thank you for being a follower of my blog. It means a lot to me. Thank you. May your new year be filled with laughter, more joy than sorrow, peace, and wisdom. Blessings to you. Happy new year!

  4. This is beautiful ... what a fortunate person you are to have such a hero.

  5. Great great great shots of your beloved grandmother. and how wonderful you see her as your hero.
    Happy new year

  6. Your grandmother sounds like an amazing lady. I admire the love you have for her!


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