Sunday, January 10, 2010


Susan of Just... a moment so kindly nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you so much Susan. I am so honored! Her blog is also totally amazing.

Now here are the 7 talented bloggers that I am passing it on to:

1. Claire
2. Nina
3. Liss
4. Dani
5. Kamana
6. Jen
7. Debbie

You guys all inspire me, and sorry if you have received this award before, but I couldn't think of a more deserving bunch.
Go here to read the "rules" if you wish to pass it on..

Now, part of the deal is for the recipient to name 7 things their readers might not know:
1. I am not a morning person.
2. Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress of all times.
3. Little Purple Cow is who got me into this whole blogging mess that I completely adore.
4. Yellow is my favorite color.
5. "Sappy" describes me very well.
6. Patience is something I need to achieve..
7. I am currently wearing green and white striped knee socks with a light-up Christmas tree at the top- on January 10th...

Thank you all for just being here.
Have a great week.



  1. thank you soooo much! i really appreciate it! i've completed my end of things and linked back to you. that was very sweet and really made my day!

  2. Good for you! You've included many of the people I would have liked to, too ... it's all about encouraging, supporting and introducing others to amazing people and their gifts, isn't it? {Audrey Hepburn is my favorite, too} Blessings on your week.

  3. I feel absolutely honoured that you find me inspiring. I think you are an amazing photographer in your own right and to be names alongside these other talented photographers - well what can I say, I am blown away and you have absolutely made my day. Thank you.

  4. Oh thank you so much for nominating me. I would be honored to put this award on my blog. I will write my post in the next few days.

  5. I am excited too. Thank you so very much, what an honour to be mentioned along side these ladies. You inspire me too, at many levels. Your dedication to your family, your faith in God, your talent in photography - I would award this award to you too. Thanks again. It has made my day.

  6. Suzanna,

    This means so so much! Thank you.

    I really appreciate your kindness.

  7. Thanks you so much for thinking of me! Love the award, I will pass this asap! :)

  8. What a pretty spot you have here. Good photography, too. I love the simplicity of your space here in the blogging world.
    Love Audrey Hepburn as both an actor and a person. And the color yellow.

  9. clean sock are clean socks! Sometimes its all you got to wear!! lol
    Thanks for stopping by!!!


Hey guys. Please leave a comment- I want to learn more about the interesting and wonderful people who happen to stop by and see my work. I would love to hear from you!
