Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Jesus died for all the children, all the children of the world..."

(this one is my favorite.... the boys definitely look very enthused)

On Sunday our "Cherub Choir" sang an Easter song for the service.
And I tell ya, they are adorable. Especially the girls who try to sing over the others the whole time.. But seeing children in the worshiping atmosphere is pretty touching.

I'll even bet the adults get a lot more emotional during their songs than they do when we "grown ups" sing...

hope you have a merry rest of the week.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

People watcher

I am definitely an avid people watcher. I love watching busy moms juggling the stroller, blackberry, and a coffee all at once, while trying to tie the toddler's shoe. Or the man with the cigarette hanging out the window and listening to Willie Nelson on the car radio. There's also the spandex-suited dog walker in the park whose dog is a little too hyper to be anywhere near humans. But my favorite, however, is watching the mannerisms of young children just trying to grow up.

My brother, for example, sticks out his tongue on one side of his mouth while in deep concentration during homework sessions. He also likes to flick his head in order to "swoosh" his hair to one side of his head... this is what all the cool older kids do. (as it turns out, it looks like the kid just has an annoying twitch...)

Are you a people watcher?
(secretly, i worry what the heck people see when they look at me...)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

she dances

My sister is an athletic goddess. She can try her hand at any sport and succeed. She is also popular... not because of shallow junior high reasons, but because she is a good friend and a compassionate soul. She currently has a six-pack, even though she barely weighs 100 pounds. She has blonde hair and freckles (what better combination?) She is artistic, musical, responsible, intelligent.... the list keeps going.

but, oh wow... she can dance.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ohhh yes

I am a little late on these, but I just thought they were too darn cute to pass up...

and thank you everyone for being so patient with me, but I really needed the time off...
having said that,

i'm back.

hope your weekend is super lucky.

love you guys,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dear You

My lovely readers,
I don't know what has come over me. I am an anxiety-ridden fool walking around like a robot zombie. I have had no urge to even touch my blog (I know that comes as a surprise, seeing as I have had soooo many exciting posts lately...). The constant going and going... and going in my life recently has completely drained me of any emotion except stress and sleepiness. All I want to do is reach for my much-mentioned soft bathrobe and a hot drink and watch these next few weeks pass by. I am just tired. I just need a break. So I am going to go into a semi blog hibernation for a week or so to finish up the pile of projects on my list(s). And as soon as I am back into Blogville, my old self will return and the (pathetic) self pity will be kicked outta here. Hopefully some inspiration for this space will overcome me in the meantime. I love you all, and I promise... I will be back...

Much Love,

P.S. It snowed on half of this southern state the other day! what happened to the lovely 74 degree weather? I have spring fever!