Monday, July 6, 2009


I regularly go out to my trampoline, jump for a few minutes, and then lie there and enjoy my backyard. This time of year especially, I go out about seven o'clock when the tempature starts cooling down, and the sun is in the perfect spot. I love to just sit there and listen to the birds, admire all the green around me, and try to see how long it is before I hear a car pass by- which is usually a meager ten seconds. I can almost always hear the neighborhood boys playing next door. Sometimes, I even bring my camera.
I urge you to find a place where you can just enjoy everything surrounding you... and relax.


  1. Oh I wish I had a trampoline! I remember jumping until I was exhausted when I was younger and then just lying there looking up at the sky for hours. I miss that!

  2. I'm jealous you get the trampoline to your self. If I tried to escape to the trampoline my kids would be jumping on me with in minutes. No where is safe :)

    I totally hear you about having a place of your own just to relax. In summer I like to get up early and sit on my deck and enjoy a cup of tea.

  3. It is very nice!
    Thanks for the comments! :)


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